Element: ether and air
thin and restless, with irregular eating and sleeping patterns, dry skin, long,
angular faces, small eyes, irregular teeth, narrow lips. Decisive but with an
erratic memory. Adapts easily, acts quickly, is alert, enthusiastic, focused, positive
and creative. Often dreams about running, flying, jumping. Loves movement and
Element: Fire and water
Tend to
be of medium frame and height. Slender, often fair and freckled, with
heart-shaped faces, neat noses, pale eyes, yellowish teeth, reddish or
yellowish complexion. They are decisive, open to new ideas and skilled in using
words. Natural leaders but with a tendency to jealousy and anger. Fiery
personalities, over-competitive and judgemental. Normally healthy and strong,
with good immunity. Often hungry and with a large appetite.
Element: Water and earth
with well-proportioned bodies and a tendency towards excess weight. Prone to
oversleeping. Oily-skinned, thick wavy hair, large blue or brown eyes. Steady
regular appetite They are intelligent, speak clearly and have a strong immune
system and abundant vital energy. Love piece, quiet and stability , dislike
change and avoid exercises. A good friend, patient, compassionate,
forgiving. Have a sensitive, intuitive and calm nature. Good at encouraging
others. Aversion to foggy weather.