Monday, 28 April 2014

Yoga and the Five Bodies

Did you know that every time you practice yoga  you  are effectively bringing your five  bodies (yes five bodies!) or energetic layers, into harmony?  These energetic layers are called ‘Koshas’ and  move from the outermost layer of the body  to your  innermost  deep spiritual core. 

Each of these  "bodies” is contained within the next like a Russian doll. They are :

1.            Annamaya kosha—the physical body
2.            Pranamaya kosha—the breath or life-force body
3.            Manomaya kosha—the mental body
4.            Vijanamaya kosha—the wisdom (intuition) body
5.            Anandamaya kosha—the bliss body
In our classes we focus on bringing these koshas to awareness through posture work, pranayama and meditation.  It might sound complicated but when it all comes together it is a simple and nurturing experience.
To lean more about the classes  contact Thereza on:
Bibliography: on 27/04/14

Posture of the Month - Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended side angle pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana
Sanskrit: UTTHITA = extended PARSVA = sideways KONA = angle

The challenge in this posture is to keep the chest open when reaching to the floor. Use blocks to achieve openness or rest the forearm on the thigh.

Cultivate a sense of ease in the posture with a light upper body powerfully supported by grounded legs and feet.  Think of roots coming down from  your tailbone all the way down to your feet.  

• Strengthens ankles and legs
• Stretches the groins, spine, chest and shoulders
• Centres the mind and promotes concentration and stamina

Bibliography: on 27/04/14

The Healing Power of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra or yoga sleep as it is literally translated, is a practice that promotes deep states of relaxation by bringing positive  changes in the electrical activity of the brain.

In the yoga nidra state alpha brain waves  bring  a profound sense of relaxation and recharges the whole nervous system.

Yoga Nidra is not a simple relaxation. It is a powerful practice that uses particular techniques and brings positive life changes i.e. using  'sankalpas' or affirmations.

Research suggests  that Yoga Nidra has helped people with post-traumatic stress disorders,  ME, panic attacks, insomnia, anxiety , high blood pressure, etc.
To experience the benefits of Yoga Nidra contact Thereza on
  Bibliography: on 27/04/14